The Social Studies department at Franklin Towne consists of both social science courses as well as traditional history courses. The social sciences examine the ways in which people behave within a society and helps to explain how society works. It explores everything from the triggers of economic growth and causes of unemployment to what makes people happy and how are people punished. This information is vital and can be used in shaping corporate strategies as well as government policies.
The department is also built on the foundation that examining the past will help our students to better understand current relationships with others, to modern-day institutions, and to our ever-changing environment. Students will develop the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in a growing interdependent world.
Beginning freshmen year, students are required to successfully complete two semester-classes in the study of World History and United States History. The Advanced Placement and CLEP Exam option are available in both courses. During their sophomore year, students are required to complete Civics; a semester course that examines the rights and responsibilities of citizens within a society as well as the role in which government operates.
Sophomore year also marks the beginning of eligibility for students to take elective courses which continues through their senior year. For the 2021-2022 school year, a variety of semester-long elective courses are offered in the following disciplines: Psychology, Criminal Justice, Mock Trial, Intro to Business, and Money Management. For the 2022-2023 school year, we are excited to add Business II, Child & Adolescent Psychology, and Philadelphia History.
Social studies courses provide students with the necessary 21st-century skills they will need after graduation. Skills such as problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, communication, collaboration, social responsibility, seeing issues from multiple perspectives, and civic literacy.
Students that would like to deepen their knowledge of history have an opportunity to become a member of the Towne Historical Society. The Towne Historical Society meets on a bi-weekly basis and provides opportunities for its members to explore and appreciate the history of Philadelphia through various after school presentations, field-trips, and guest lectures. Franklin Towne also has a partnership with the Historical Society of Frankford that instructs students in the field of historic preservation.