As of the 2023-2024 school year, Franklin Towne Charter High School is a Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) school. This means that all enrolled students of Franklin Towne Charter High School are eligible to receive 1 free breakfast meal and 1 free lunch meal each school day.
Enrolled students will be able to participate in these meal programs without paying a fee or submitting an application. No further action is required.
Breakfast & Lunch Menu
PaySchools Central
Manage your child's/children's prepaid meal account(s) via PaySchools Central:
PaySchools Central Login
PaySchools Central User Guide
PaySchools Central Support: [email protected] | 1-877.393.6628
Meal Account Return Policy & Refund Request Form
Food Services Managed by:
McKinney/Vento Homelessness Act
Students who are eligible for identification under the
McKinney/Vento Homelessness Act are categorically eligible for free school meals. If you think your child(ren) may fall into this category, please
follow this link for more information. Students
Experiencing Homelessness - Franklin Towne Charter High School
Summer Meals
Franklin Towne Charter High School is committed to helping ensure that no child goes hungry over the summer. Eligible families can access the USDA Summer Food Rocks website to find summer meals in their community. Click here to access the website: Families can also call 1-866-3Hungry (1-866-348-6479) or 1-877-8Hambre (1-877-842-6273), or text "FOOD" or COMIDA" to 304-304 during the summer months.